Monday, November 1, 2010

County Fair...

We always try to attend all the local things offered, so when we heard the Midland County Fair had started back up, we loaded up and headed to the Horseshoe. Overall, we were pretty disappointed with the activities and prices, but the petting zoo was top notch! Leslie loved getting to feed all the animals...

I'm constantly surprised how hardy baby chicks are. Leslie and Calla both got to hold and pet several...

Leslie feeding the alpaca...

I wish this picture was a little further out because then you could see that I have Calla completely upside down dangling down into the trough, so she could pet this guinea pig...
Even Calla got to feed the big animals...

We took Maddie with us, too. She is super nice well behaved little girl, but kinda a chicken around animals. As we were leaving I finally got her to feed this old blind toothless goat. What you can't tell from the picture is that my left hand has a vice grip on her elbow forcing it into the pin. Luckily, she is well enough behaved and trusted me enough that she was smiling when it was all though!

Of course, as all our outings, we ended at the jumpers. Calla was a little small to fight off the big kids, but Leslie and Maddie had all sorts of fun running from jumper to jumper... Or in this case, inflated human wrecker...

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