Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friendly Blessing...

Over the summer, we learned we were getting a new preacher at church. I didn't really care about the change until I learned they had a 4yr old little girl! Little girls are few and far between in this town, and I know Leslie is getting to the age where she needed a girl friend, so I went a little into desperate mode and became determined they were going to be our new best friends. Luckily, God heard my prayers, and when both the preacher and his wife got super sick, I answered the call to help watch Maddie. The girls became instant "BFF's!"

We spend the day doing all sorts of girly things from play-doh, to water colors, to tea party. It was a pretty hot day, so when Barry came home, we pulled out the water toys and let them splash around for a bit...

The big girls started playing some sort of around-the-world racing game. You can see Leslie is already turned half-way around by the time her feet touch down...

Then Leslie read her some of her favorite books...

The girls were thrilled to get to have a big girl sleepover. It was too cute watching them play House, School, and Princesses and listening to all the giggles and squeals that go along with little girls. They really enjoyed getting to take a bath in the big tub, too...

Barry read them books and then we both tucked them in. I had to go in Leslie's room a few times to settle them down, but it wasn't too bad. I figure staying up giggling is part of the fun of a sleepover!

In the morning they both cuddled up in the big chair together to watch TV...

We ended up watching Maddie most of the next day too, so after dinner, we went to "The Airplane Park." They ran around doing all sorts of things, but them helping each other across the balance beam was so sweet...

Even Calla got a turn...

Before we took her home, we stopped by the local yogurt ice cream stop to cool off...

Calla loves going to this place because it has a kiddie play area. She spends most of her time playing, but every couple minutes she runs back over to me asking for another bite. Her face reminds me of a little baby bird! tweet tweet...

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