Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Enjoyments...

Here is Calla eating another helping of corn rather than finishing her cookie...

Both the girls have enjoyed riding their bikes in the cul-du-sac in the evenings with Daddy...

Calla hiding...

She loves pushing her bike around almost as much as she loves being pushed on it!

We read to Leslie all the time as an infant and baby, especially before naps and bedtime. Calla has always gotten a bath and thrown in her bed as quickly as possible! At 20 months, I finally decided I could not pretend it didn't matter anymore. She loves reading books now! We usually get dressed before picking books out, but this night, she simply couldn't wait...

It's amazing how quickly she memorizes them. After a week of reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar every night, I caught her verbally reading it to herself one afternoon! Amazing.

She has also learned that if she doesn't finish a book, it really doesn't count. So, we get about 1/2 way through her last book, and she closes it, hops down, toddles over to her book shelf, and smiles mischievously saying, "a different one!" How can a mother say no? Reading an extra book at bed time is definitely a battle I'll let her win...

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