Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ranch life...

We are so very thankful for the new friends God has blessed us with over the past year. The Harrises have quickly become one of our treasured gifts! Daniel's family owns a huge pecan orchard south of Midland, and every year Monarch butterflies migrate through and cover the trees. When they came to town this year, the Harrises invited us out to enjoy it with them! They said this year wasn't as dense as usual, but to us, it seemed absolutely unreal. Most trees were empty, but if you kept on looking, you would find a tree that was completely covered with them! Then we could walk up and send them all flying and twirling around our heads. I thought those things only happened in the movies!

After the butterflies, we got a tour of the pecan sorting machine and other farm stuff. Then the kids favorite part... they got to feed the cows...

And to finish the perfect outing, all the kiddos got a ride on the 4wheeler...

Barry included...

We usually get together on Wednesday mornings for a play date with the Harrises and others. Calla had alot of fun toting Ethan around while he waited patiently for his turn...

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