Saturday, November 6, 2010


We woke up the morning after our camp out/croup fiasco and cancelled our trip to Lubbock for the big Texas game. Leslie and Calla were supposed to stay with BFF, Maddie, but I wasn't comfortable leaving Leslie with anyone over night in case she had another attack. It was a difficult decision because Leslie woke up feeling and acting so well... wearing her pink Cowgirl hat while watching College Gameday! (And at the time, we thought Texas was actually a good team worth competing against!)

Calla saying "Guns Up!"

Probably against our better judgment, we left Calla with BFF, and packed up the nebulizer and meds and headed to Lubbock! Leslie did fine and always loves the games. And bonus, I actually got to watch most of the game!

Leslie eating some popcorn with her Uncle Ben before he lost his temper and started shouting profanities...

We're glad our gamble paid off and Leslie stayed well! We all had alot of fun and Calla did really well at her sleepover! We are very grateful to have friends that love our kids so much and that we can trust!

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