Friday, November 5, 2010


We had some beautiful weather for Septemberfest this year, so we loaded up the girls (and their BFF Maddie) to have some fun. Leslie of course makes a bee-line to the face painting and balloons. I think she picks something crazier/scarier every time me go. Notice that the unicorn eye is actually Leslie's...

There were a bunch of crafts set up in the Kid's Korner. Even Calla got to make a visor and necklace...

I thought this was a funny picture. Somehow we managed to find the two tallest men in Midland to be friends with! It takes so serious giants to make Barry petite...

The girls played in all the jumpers several times of course...

Calla played in a regular moon jumper that wasn't too crowded, but her favorite activity was going down this gigantic slide...

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