Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sleepy Time?

Leslie has been fighting naps more and more lately, which would be fine if she would go to bed quickly at night, but she stays up singing herself to sleep for at least an hour every night! Anyways, I went put her back in her bed at nap time the other day and found all of her princesses with their skirts hiked up delicately balanced while riding their horses. I thought it was especially funny when I realized that under all that red mermaid hair was a naked Ariel riding behind Snow White...

Sweet girls cuddling in the morning...

Leslie reliving her childhood...

Another lazy morning...

This post makes it look like the girls lay around and watch TV in the pajamas all day, but I assure they don't! Our days are so early and busy Monday thru Thursday that I reserve Friday for our sabbath. We sleep in, and stay in our jammies, and don't feel guilty about it! I just wish Daddy could get a break too!

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