Friday, November 5, 2010

Pseudo camping...

This year, the summer flew by, and we never had a chance for a proper backyard camp out. With cold evenings and shorter days looming, we decided to seize a weekend in September and at least make a memory! To begin our fun, we had a picnic in the living room floor...

Then, Daddy took both girls on an adventure walk through the neighborhood and to the park to find sticks, acorns, and other craftable trinkets...

Trying to make it feel more "camp-ish," Leslie got to climb a tree...
I think Calla did too, but obviously, Daddy had to stay holding on to her and couldn't get a picture!

Calla had to get to bed, but Daddy and Leslie stayed up and used the sticks they collected to make a bonfire in the backyard to roast s'mores...

Then they climbed into the secret tree house (where the bears couldn't reach them) to enjoy their treat...

Afterward, they made a tent in the music room and read books by flashlight before calling in a night...

I know it wasn't as professional as last year, but Leslie still enjoyed it, and like I said, it was a great memory!
Luckily Barry was sleeping with Leslie this night because she got a horrible case of croup. He woke up a couple hours later and noticed Leslie wasn't breathing well at all. He came and woke me up and we did all the medicine and treatments we could think of. She finally started to breathe a little better, so we put her in her bed and I spent the night on her trundle to monitor her. Guess I got to participate in the camp out after all!

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