Monday, November 1, 2010

Summer Sillies...

We were invited to a birthday party for one of our close friends, Ethan. When the parents realized how hot is was going to be they sent out a swimming amendment to the invite that somehow got lost on its way to us. Luckily, no one (including Leslie) seems to mind my children swimming in their skivvies...

We went another party celebrating my great aunt Dene's birthday. It was in the nursing home, so there wasn't alot for the kiddos to do. Leslie and a cousin were playing hide and go seek to pass the time. When Calla decided to join in, I had to take a picture. It's hard to tell, but she's got her nose on the wall counting, "one two- ready or not here I come!"

Cute silly smile on a cute silly baby...

Cute funny face on a cute funny baby...

Here's the train cake I made for the party we attended. I tried to do something easy since it was a crazy weekend, but I think I don't think the time saved was worth the loss. Oh well. It tasted good and everyone still really liked it!

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