Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Nate...

Two of the other great friends we have been blessed with this past year are the Swaringen's. Their baby, Nate, brings out the little mommy in both my girls. Leslie always want to hold him. Good thing he's an easy baby- he never cries. I think he likes it for a little bit anyways...

Calla loves him so much that she has renamed a baby doll" Baby Nate!" You have to watch her carefully if he's on the floor, but she's usually very sweet and easy with him...

Love Baby Nate. Sweet hugs...
I am so thankful that Nate's mom, Christy, is such a calm and confident mom. My girls are always all over her and the baby, and she never gets flustered or annoyed (or she doesn't show it anyways!) I think I was a bit more paranoid the first time around! It's nice to have friends that play with and love your kids, too.

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