Friday, November 12, 2010


We had 4 straight days of Halloween this year! I made Leslie a Sleeping Beauty inspired dress and Calla coordinating princess dress. It was really cold for the church Fallapalooza on Thursday night, so I made some repairs to Leslie's old Bee costume and Calla got to wear it...

We started the evening by eating hot dogs with Batman...

Then the girls ran through the parking lot collecting candy. PaPa helped Calla from car to car. She was super sweet saying, "twick-o-tweeee" and "tank you" to everyone...

Here she is patiently waiting for her candy...

After collecting candy, the church had several carnival type games set up for them to do...

PaPa with his little bumblebee...

Calla carried Leslie's princess pumpkin around for her all night. She loved having double the loot!

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