Friday, November 12, 2010

Biazarro Falapalooza...

Leslie, or course, was super excited to get her face painted....

Calla ran around chasing people with her wand saying, "Buzz buzz stiiiing!"

Someone told my mom that taking pictures at an angle makes them more interesting, so EVERY picture she took that night is mega crooked. I feel like Leslie is falling over in this picture...

Here's Barry's coworker and her son Chapel (aka Hulk.) He's one of Calla's good friends in the nursery...

Another pic from Mom... Leslie and her beautiful friend, Maddie the Ladybug...


We had 4 straight days of Halloween this year! I made Leslie a Sleeping Beauty inspired dress and Calla coordinating princess dress. It was really cold for the church Fallapalooza on Thursday night, so I made some repairs to Leslie's old Bee costume and Calla got to wear it...

We started the evening by eating hot dogs with Batman...

Then the girls ran through the parking lot collecting candy. PaPa helped Calla from car to car. She was super sweet saying, "twick-o-tweeee" and "tank you" to everyone...

Here she is patiently waiting for her candy...

After collecting candy, the church had several carnival type games set up for them to do...

PaPa with his little bumblebee...

Calla carried Leslie's princess pumpkin around for her all night. She loved having double the loot!

MiMi and PawPaw Visit...

MiMi and PawPaw came down for a visit at the end of October inspired by the opportunity to see Leslie sing in church. Calla waisted no time warming up to PawPaw. As soon as he laid on the floor, she got a book and backed herself up for him to read to her...

Meanwhile, Leslie had big game-playin' plans to get started with MiMi...

Daddy serenading his family...

Saturday morning, we went to the children's museum. Here are explorers Leslie and Daddy on the look out for more wild MiMi's and Calla's...

Calla and PawPaw golfed through some Mayan temples...

The girls love playing in the kid town area. We bought several things at the local store, including a baby Calla...

We ended out visit with a trip to the toddler room...

Calla getting in some more cuddle time with her PawPaw...

MiMi with her two sweeties...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

October Extras...

Here are the girls matching Halloween dresses I made them....

Matching again in the glow-in-the-dark skeleton PJ's. Right after this pictutre they fell and hurt themselves on the bed. Glad the camera was fast for once!

Calla at her class party. She makes this silly face alot lately. This is the happy version. She also has a mad version where she tucks her chin down and furrows her brow. Hillarious!

This is Leslie's first choir performance...

Baby Nate...

Two of the other great friends we have been blessed with this past year are the Swaringen's. Their baby, Nate, brings out the little mommy in both my girls. Leslie always want to hold him. Good thing he's an easy baby- he never cries. I think he likes it for a little bit anyways...

Calla loves him so much that she has renamed a baby doll" Baby Nate!" You have to watch her carefully if he's on the floor, but she's usually very sweet and easy with him...

Love Baby Nate. Sweet hugs...
I am so thankful that Nate's mom, Christy, is such a calm and confident mom. My girls are always all over her and the baby, and she never gets flustered or annoyed (or she doesn't show it anyways!) I think I was a bit more paranoid the first time around! It's nice to have friends that play with and love your kids, too.

New Enjoyments...

Here is Calla eating another helping of corn rather than finishing her cookie...

Both the girls have enjoyed riding their bikes in the cul-du-sac in the evenings with Daddy...

Calla hiding...

She loves pushing her bike around almost as much as she loves being pushed on it!

We read to Leslie all the time as an infant and baby, especially before naps and bedtime. Calla has always gotten a bath and thrown in her bed as quickly as possible! At 20 months, I finally decided I could not pretend it didn't matter anymore. She loves reading books now! We usually get dressed before picking books out, but this night, she simply couldn't wait...

It's amazing how quickly she memorizes them. After a week of reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar every night, I caught her verbally reading it to herself one afternoon! Amazing.

She has also learned that if she doesn't finish a book, it really doesn't count. So, we get about 1/2 way through her last book, and she closes it, hops down, toddles over to her book shelf, and smiles mischievously saying, "a different one!" How can a mother say no? Reading an extra book at bed time is definitely a battle I'll let her win...

A Gospel of Abundance...

Our church is currently working through a study called, Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity. Barry is leading our Sunday School class and the Wednesday night class. We're always so pressed for time in Sunday School that we never finish the lesson, so several people have talked to Barry after class and struggled with the message. Our class is mostly college graduates, so there are multiple families that are pretty "well-off." The message is not give-away-everything-and-live-in-poverty, but is live within your means (or below) so you are able to live life more fully for God without the stress and sin that can accompany wealth.

So, as I'm sitting at the computer tonight vigilantly uploading pictures to blog, and I'm reading my book, The Good and Beautiful Community. The chapter I'm on happens to speak directly on being generous with not only your money, but your time, talents, and resources as well. I think the author, James Bryan Smith, does a great job of explaining the Enough principle and uses biblical references for support! Here is a very condensed version of the financial section...

False Narrative:
"God helps those who help themselves."
It is from an Edition of Poor Richard's Almanac, written by Ben Franklin in 1757. Franklin was not a Christian, but a deist. This judgmental narrative is a bulwark against generosity, a sturdy protection against the need to help those who are in need.

True Narrative:
God helps those who cannot help themselves.
God does help those who are able help themselves, but God also helps those who cannot help themselves. The Gospels are a Who's Who or helpless, broken, despised people, yet God helps them.

False Narrative:
If I give it away, then I have less.

True Narrative:
If we all share, we all have enough.
When the children of Israel wandered toward the Promised Land, they had no food. God provided food for them in the form of manna. God commanded them to take only enough for their own sustenance, and no more. They were told to measure how much to eat by using a measuring device, called an omer.

The Omer Principle shows that there is enough for everyone- but only when we take our fair share. Hunger experts tell us that there is enough food on the planet to end world hunger, but some consume more than they need. One night I was up late and watched an infomercial for a weight-loss program. For only $150 a month, I was told, I could lose a pound a day- only $5 a day. I switched channels and saw a relief organization commercial showing children with bloated stomachs, and was told that for $3 a day I could prevent a child from dying of hunger. The irony was not lost on me.

Of course, the Omer Principle is not meant to be mandatory or forced (as in communism). But when people arrive at the omer-like decisions (Gee, maybe if I didn't buy this I could give more to that) by the leading of the Spirit, much good comes. God designed a world where there is enough for everyone, as long as we take only what we need.

False Narrative:
What I have is mine to use for my own pleasure. (Entitlement Narrative)
If I start with the notion that what I have is mine, that I somehow earned it or deserve it, then I am entitled to use it any way I want. It falls under my discretion; I get to choose when, how and how much I give.

True Narrative:
What I have is God's to use for his glory.
Nothing I have is mine- it is all a gift from God. Therefore I must ask, "How shall I use the gifts you have given me?" This fundamental shift affects all of our daily decisions.

Generosity is an attitude, and inward disposition, that spawns acts of self-sacrifice, which is how God acts toward us.

A Theology of Enough
The idealization of poverty is one of the most dangerous illusions of Christians in the contemporary world. Stewardship- which requires possessions and includes giving- is the true spiritual disciple in relation to wealth...

In general, being poor is one of the poorest ways to help the poor.

A gospel of abundance is found only in the kingdom of God, where somehow we have what we need when we need it.


I wish I could go through all of that passage and count how many times the word "enough" is used. It is hard sometimes to sit back and think, I have enough. We buy our dream house, then think, well- we could use a nicer kitchen. We buy a new car, then think, well- we really could use a little more cargo space. It seems like every month there is a new way to move up the ladder. Think of how freeing and relaxing would it be to realize, I have enough. I understand that things get difficult and sometimes God feels distant in your struggles, but I encourage you to stop and think, I have enough.

Princess Calla... again...

I tried Calla's Halloween princess dress on her for last minute alterations, and she was so stinking cute we had to take some pictures! I had this big memo board that I made for her room leaned up against the wall to hang, so we had her stand in front of it. I thought it made a prettier backdrop than a toy filled living room!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ranch life...

We are so very thankful for the new friends God has blessed us with over the past year. The Harrises have quickly become one of our treasured gifts! Daniel's family owns a huge pecan orchard south of Midland, and every year Monarch butterflies migrate through and cover the trees. When they came to town this year, the Harrises invited us out to enjoy it with them! They said this year wasn't as dense as usual, but to us, it seemed absolutely unreal. Most trees were empty, but if you kept on looking, you would find a tree that was completely covered with them! Then we could walk up and send them all flying and twirling around our heads. I thought those things only happened in the movies!

After the butterflies, we got a tour of the pecan sorting machine and other farm stuff. Then the kids favorite part... they got to feed the cows...

And to finish the perfect outing, all the kiddos got a ride on the 4wheeler...

Barry included...

We usually get together on Wednesday mornings for a play date with the Harrises and others. Calla had alot of fun toting Ethan around while he waited patiently for his turn...

Sleepy Time?

Leslie has been fighting naps more and more lately, which would be fine if she would go to bed quickly at night, but she stays up singing herself to sleep for at least an hour every night! Anyways, I went put her back in her bed at nap time the other day and found all of her princesses with their skirts hiked up delicately balanced while riding their horses. I thought it was especially funny when I realized that under all that red mermaid hair was a naked Ariel riding behind Snow White...

Sweet girls cuddling in the morning...

Leslie reliving her childhood...

Another lazy morning...

This post makes it look like the girls lay around and watch TV in the pajamas all day, but I assure they don't! Our days are so early and busy Monday thru Thursday that I reserve Friday for our sabbath. We sleep in, and stay in our jammies, and don't feel guilty about it! I just wish Daddy could get a break too!


We woke up the morning after our camp out/croup fiasco and cancelled our trip to Lubbock for the big Texas game. Leslie and Calla were supposed to stay with BFF, Maddie, but I wasn't comfortable leaving Leslie with anyone over night in case she had another attack. It was a difficult decision because Leslie woke up feeling and acting so well... wearing her pink Cowgirl hat while watching College Gameday! (And at the time, we thought Texas was actually a good team worth competing against!)

Calla saying "Guns Up!"

Probably against our better judgment, we left Calla with BFF, and packed up the nebulizer and meds and headed to Lubbock! Leslie did fine and always loves the games. And bonus, I actually got to watch most of the game!

Leslie eating some popcorn with her Uncle Ben before he lost his temper and started shouting profanities...

We're glad our gamble paid off and Leslie stayed well! We all had alot of fun and Calla did really well at her sleepover! We are very grateful to have friends that love our kids so much and that we can trust!