Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Times...

We have already had a great summer break! We took a break for the end of May and were just lazy... then bored. But with June came many fun activities.

Leslie went to Princess School the first week at the local Ballet Studio. They watched a movie, danced, and did a craft everyday. She had so much fun! And at the end of the week I told her she was ready to become a princess, but to do that, she either had to marry a prince or have Daddy buy her a kingdom. She ran over to Barry, wrapped her arms around him and said, "Oh yes Daddy! Will you buy me a kingdom?"

The second week was filled with Vacation Bible School at church. They had a High Seas Adventure! She loved getting out of the house and playing all morning. Here are some shots from her program. She loves singing with hand motions!

This is most likely our one fruit from the garden this year. Best I can figure, it's just too hot to grow anything. Next year I'll have to get an earlier start. We cut this tomato up and gave it Calla. I thought she would enjoy the most out of all of us, and she did, except it just wasn't enough!

Mommy and Daddy took Leslie to her first movie in the big theater to see Toy Story 3! She was so excited and loved having the massive bucket of popcorn on her lap...

About 20 minutes in, she started crying saying she wanted to go home. We made it to the end, but will not be going back any time soon. This Toy Story was much more dramatic, action-filled (scary), and sentimental than the previous two. So any time the toys got in trouble or hurt or cried, Leslie would break out her tears for them, too. I told Barry afterward that I shouldn't be surprised she got so emotionally involved in the movie because one of Dad's favorite stories about my childhood was watching the movie Willow on TV with me... I got in a huge tizzy the entire way through worried the bad guys were going to get the baby. Leslie's personality turns out to be more and more like mine everyday!

Calla's favorite toy and word lately is "crown." She LOVES this crown of Leslie's. She carries it around all day playing with it. She's even learned to ask for "help" when she can't get it on the right way. Last Sunday, Barry let her wear the crown in the car on the way to church. We took it off for Sunday School, but as soon as we got back into the car, "Crown?" The poor girl doesn't get a morning nap on Sundays, so she almost always passes out on the way home. Here is HRH Calla is with her royal "cup-ay," "ssss-ck, "p-ceee," and "cr-ow-n."

And of course, Leslie needs her picture taken as well with her little diva pose...

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