Saturday, June 5, 2010


It's a good think my girls have lots of energy and a fast metabolism because they like to eat! Leslie's newest addition to her table fun is this Wolverine cup...

One meal last week she asked Barry, "Daddy? Why does Wolverine look so angry?" Barry, having already identified which frame in which comic book this was taken from (Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1,) went on to explain that he was mad because he was having to fight Ord (the ambassador from planet Breakworld) because he was trying to destroy Earth because of the prophesy that Colossus was going to destroy Breakworld in the future. "Oh okay."

Leslie and I made cupcakes for one of my friend's birthday last week. Leslie's getting so good at following directions and reading the fractions. Practical learning! Of course, she just does it for the beater...

She said she got some in her mouth. I'm not so sure...

Calla usually gets a chunked up banana for her bedtime snack, but tonight I gave her the whole thing. Her eyes light up like Christmas morning! "Na-nee!!!"

And Leslie got enjoy the fruits of her labor for her snack...

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