Saturday, June 5, 2010

"Ah deed eh!"

I've finally started trying to get Calla to use utensils to feed herself. Leslie was a natural and could feed herself yogurt and oatmeal by her first birthday. Calla is usually too hungry and impatient to actually take the time to learn. Up to now, at best, I could give her a spoon to dip some between me feeding her bites. She did really well this night feeding herself yogurt, but still hates any help or tips I try to give her. She's been eating her bites upside down like a Popsicle, but this night she had everything figured out and working well...

"Ah deed eh!"

("I did it!" for those of you who don't speak Calla)

And just like that, I'm one step closer for me to being able to eat a hot meal again...

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