Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Water Sillies...

Calla has finally decided she likes the water! Even more than her swing!! Last week we got to have our first big splash time with Daddy. He even broke out the new water guns! Leslie and Barry ran all around squirting each other. Calla was happy standing in her little wading pool trying to avoid crossfire waving her water gun at the others...

She really liked stomping and splashing the water big...

After the water war, Mermaid Leslie decided to take a break in Rainbow Lagoon...

Barry was re-filling the little pool, and Calla decided she wanted to walk underneath the hose! Crazy baby... she just kept on doing it. She thought it was hilarious!

"Now my hair's wet, too! Weeeeeee"

Then, we set up the sprinkler. Once again, while Leslie avoids direct spray like the plague, Calla walks right up to the sprinkler and sticks her face in it! Again and again...

She had a blast! Cute sweet baby. We love the long nights and simplicity of summer...

Daddy swimming with both his girls...
We laugh that getting this picture was surprisingly easy because with Leslie wearing goggles, you can't tell she's looking off somewhere all crazy eyed. Maybe we should use the goggles in more pictures, water or not...

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