Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dancing Redeemed...

As I hoped for, Leslie's dance teacher was more than willing for me to bring her up to the studio and go through her dance number for us to see. I gave Leslie the option of dressing up again or just wearing her regular leotard, and to my delight, she chose to wear her Cuddle-up Cub costume! Here she on her way to the studio for "take 2."
I'll try and post the video later (if Blogger will let me!) but here are some cute snap shots I got during the dance...

Here she is doing her boogies...

And a few tapping stomps...

Ms. Chelsie was so sweet to go through it all with her...

We haven't decided if we're going to try dance again next year. We're definitely taking the summer off to rest and re cooperate! I was glad we got a second chance to see our sweet girl perform! And I'm sure we got the best pictures of all the parents!

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