Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Letter Family Fun...

Last Saturday night was a red letter day at the Brauchi's! We had the entire extended family over for dinner, and then, all migrated outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and beautiful girls! We got the bubbles out, and both girls spent a long time chasing, popping, spraying, stomping, and showering in them...

Then we broke out the watermelon! It was a really juicy and sweet one! We weren't sure quite how Calla was going to eat it, but before we could decide, she picked a piece up and started chomping away. I think she figured it out pretty well...

The camera was being super slow, so we missed all the funny faces she was making. She was really excited, but at the same time, completely focused...

Leslie went after hers like a little piggy, too...

I think this is piece #2 for Calla. The kid can EAT!

Afterward, Leslie got stripped down and hosed off...

Alison was taking the pictures. She was nice enough to wait until Leslie had her britches back on to take any pictures:) All clean!

Calla??? Still eating...

Then she got hosed off, too...

And what outdoor time would be complete without a little "Marvelball?" (A game Barry, Will and Ben invented when we first moved in.)

Keeping with Calla's life themes, if she's not eating, then she's swinging...

We finished the night with a little baseball. We used the big playground ball, but Leslie still did extremely well! And more importantly, had a lot of fun!

Action shot...

It's hard to tell from the picture, but this is Barry teaching her how to bunt...

What a great summer evening spent with family eating watermelon on the back porch. Isn't this what life is all about??

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