Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weekend Highs...

We found a new park in town that is a ton of fun! The girls and I had been there a couple times, but we finally found a time for Daddy to go with us. And with Daddy there, Leslie was able to climb all the way up to the top of the big rock wall! She was super proud of herself! It's a big deal anytime my cautious child has the bravery to do something new and outside her comfort zone! Calla, on the other hand, will probably be able to climb this next week:)

Our second "high" of the weekend was that Barry ran the sound for the Contemporary service at church Sunday morning! Our Contemporary service has alot of... problems, so Barry finally decided that he could offer his expertise running sound and let them worry about one less thing. He got his name in the bulletin and everything! He was trying to act nonchalant about it, but I made him pose for a picture with the bulletin. Unfortunately, he decided to be a butt and make a sassy face...

I told him he wasn't leaving until he smiled pretty. Here's my big boy with his name in the bulletin...

And a close-up on the actual bulletin with his name...

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