Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hot Summer Night

We have had such an incredible hot summer so far. Barry came home from work last week, we ate dinner, then checked the weather... it was still 102 outside! So we decided to get the pools out. It was even hot enough for mommy to play!

Of course, no outside-time would be complete for Calla without some good swingin'. Daddy sat the sprinkler up under us so we could stay cool while we swung...

I always think Calla's so skinny because I remember Leslie being so fat! But, I think Calla's belly could definitely compete... especially when shown in a bikini!

We actually have a lot more pictures of this night, but Leslie decided to take her swimsuit off to help warm herself up, so they aren't exactly world wide web appropriate! We played outside in the water until it was time to come in and get ready for bed! Hot summer night indeed...

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