Friday, July 9, 2010

A Horse of a Different Color...

Leslie took several exquisite pictures with her camera while at the museum. It's amazing how much better they turn out when she's outside!

She was once again drawn to the natural flora of the area. I thought these bright orange flowers with the dark stormy clouds as her backdrop seemed especially inspired...

She also took a lovely picture of her favorite MiMi! In her photography, she's even respecting the rule of thirds which I don't even think her Daddy has taught her yet...

Looking up at the giant horse head...

Here is a grey box, flag pole stand, and bench. I don't claim to understand all of her artistic choices.

Here we are all taking a picture of her taking a picture of us...

Part of Leslie's collection included several close-ups of the plaques surrounding the horses...

Everybody needs a crab hat some time...

Daddy must of had a massive headache from chasing Calla around...

One more picture of MiMi amongst the beautiful backdrop...

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