Friday, July 9, 2010

Tricks and Treasure...

We spent our last evening in Ruidoso exploring around the cabin where rumor has it, is alot of treasure! Everyone was really excited to head out see what we could find!

We had to be extremely careful because there were wild animals everywhere to protect the hidden treasure. Luckily, Uncle Barry/Daddy has great vision and saw the first animal hiding in the trees before it was too late. He had to point it out to all the kids so they would better know what to look for...

It was a bear! As huge as a tree! This one was pretty alarmed by our presence, but seemed fine as long as we kept our distance...

This is a picture Leslie took of one of the many "boody" traps that surrounded the treasure...

Then we met the most feared of all deterrents, a Wild North American Forest MiMi!

We were able to subdue it by getting all the kids to run up and scare it then smothering it with hugs! It was an ingenious tactic and worked perfectly. We didn't have to fear anymore animals now that the fearful MiMi was with us, but the booby traps were still abounding. All the kids kept sharp eyes and disabled countless traps along our treck home. Caden found the feared, "Neon Booby Trap." He picked it up and carried it with him until he reached a place where he could securely and safely dismantle it. Don't let his smile fool you- this was one of the biggest and worst booby traps we encountered...

With Caden's MacGyver like survival skills, and Cole's heart of a warrior, we made it home safely. Thank God for our strong little men...

And the family was safe and happy once again...

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