Thursday, July 8, 2010

Giant Horses and Museum...

Our adventure for our second day in Ruidoso included a trip to the Giant Horse Museum, aka Hubbard Museum of the American West. The girls were pretty happy to simply get a change of scenery and a new place to explore!

Outside of the museum is a collection of several giant horses. They really looked amazingly lifelike. It was funny to see the little girls next to them...

Luckily, they had a decent sized kid's area for the girls to play in. Leslie got to ride a horse...

The big one was a little scary for Calla, but she a found one a bit more her size to ride...

The kid's area was pretty elaborate. They had costumes for the girls to wear...

And a place for Leslie to cook us a snack over the open campfire...

Then it was time to load back in the wagon...

Once we got "home," Leslie was able to prepare a proper meal, clean wool, and tend to the baby in a cradle that was suspended from the rafters. Now "Rock a bye Baby" makes so much more sense to me!

Leslie played in this house for a long time. I'm glad MiMi was with us because I had no idea what alot of the tools and devices were they had to explore. My city education never covered an intense look into praire life. Furthermore, I've seen most Little House on the Praire's and don't remember them covering these aspects either!

The clouds had cleared off, so we took another lap around the giant horses and this time, Leslie and MiMi climbed the tallest mountain!

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