Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ruidoso Revealed...

We started to get a little cabin fever in the unchildproofed house by the afternoon, so we decided to take a trip into Ruidoso and shop around. We let Leslie take her camera to see what she found interesting. It slowed us down a ton, but it was cute to see her enjoying the sights so much! Her main focus of the trip was all the beautiful flowers outside the shops...

Her camera has a feature with crazy pictures on it. So, you think she's just taking a picture of you until you download the camera to the computer. Then, surprise...

Daddy needed some glasses...

Calla too...

Oh man! She clown faced me!

Barry and I really love these next two pictures. We imagine them as being some of those specific artistic choices I talked about earlier. Sculpted bears are on EVERY doorstep in Ruidoso, and she captured a great picture of the town's essence. I love this picture of the big bear taken from her angle. Cute and creepy all at the same time...

I think I need to print this one to display somewhere...
The funniest part of this picture is that she didn't even know what it said:)

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