Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ruidoso Discovered...

Barry's parents were very gracious and brave (and maybe a little crazy,) and invited us and his brother's family to spend the weekend with them in Ruidoso. After a long drive, and some minor melt downs from baby Hulk, we made it there Friday by dinner. First thing Saturday morning, the kids and men folk set out on an adventure to scout out the surrounding grounds and document what flora and fauna were available. Here's the first good find... a big yellow butterfly...
You can see on the right that Leslie took her own camera as well. More on that later...

Here is Leslie with her cousins, Caden (5) and Cole (6 1/2). The boys were our primary protector and defender throughout the weekend...

PawPaw is pointing out a great find for our bug collection...

A beautiful green caterpillar! Caden was able to extract it from its habitat for further examination...

This purple flower box was our science laboratory for the weekend. The kids collected and released several specimens over the course of our trip.

A group picture of Caden, Leslie, Cole and Holly...

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