Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Guppy Lessons...

Both the girls took swimming lessons for a couple weeks in June. I was so worried going into the lessons because we discovered at a Memorial Day cookout/swim party that Leslie had become deathly afraid of swimming since last summer. Her teacher was so great with her, though. Ms Jeanie knew when to push and when to praise (and she wasn't affected at all by Leslie's attempts to balk and cry!) By the end of the two weeks Leslie had finally remembered that she did, in fact, LOVE swimming...

She does really well hanging on to the side and practicing her kicks...

Happy girl...

She'll even dunk her head and blow bubbles!!!

She's supposed to be practicing her kicking here, but I think she's just enjoying a stroll around the pool via Ms Jeanie...

On safety day, Leslie wore a life jacket and practiced swimming out a big distance to her teacher and super fun things like jumping off the small and big diving board!

Her favorite part of safety day was the rope swing!
We plan on taking many more swim lessons this coming year, so she will be a confident and competent swimmer next summer! Yea Leslie!

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