Friday, August 20, 2010

Funny Trains...

The train set has made a comeback around the Brauchi household! Now that Calla is a little older and doesn't just want to destroy everything, it has become alot more fun! Barry has really made some amazing track set-ups for the girls to enjoy! He likes to take pictures of his favorites...

Leslie's great at helping find Barry the pieces and setting up all the necessary accessories such as guard rails for the down hill turns. Her primary function is, of course, conductor...

Calla thought this train set-up was the best thing since diced tomatoes! She laughed hysterically at it rounding the track...

Funny train...

"Did you just see that train go down the crazy hill? Hilarious!"

She was laughing so hard that she was seriously losing her balance...

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that bring babies the most pleasure...

And, finally, an areal view of the track with the little conductors...

When the humor had faded, the amazement still remained...

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