Friday, August 20, 2010

July 4th...

I'm super bummed that I lost my camera before downloading our 4th of July pics because I had some great ones! Luckily, my friend took some cute pics that I can share with yall...

My beautiful firecracker...

We had two couples over for hamburgers, hotdogs, and of course, watermellon...

This is our friend, Ethan, who celebrated with us...

Later on, everyone but me and Calla (who was already in bed) went over to the backyard of our friends the Harrises (who happen to live right by the ballpark) to watch the only big fireworks show in town. Here the kiddos are playing while they wait...

We finally got to use some of the sparklers we still had from the wedding! Here's Ethan's mom, Kara, enjoying a couple while she waits...

Leslie made these super cute special "Fireworks Watching Glasses" in Sunday School that morning. So, of course, she had to put them on for the big show!

Once again, I'm really upset I didn't get our pictures uploaded. I would be alot more okay with people stealing my camera if they simply left the memory stick for me to have:(

For example, I don't have any pictures of Calla, and she was super cute! I made her a red, white, and blue tutu for her to wear to church. She's usually the only girl in her SS class, so I take full advantage of dressing her up! And she wants to wear a tutu most days anyways!

Friends have been hard for us to come by, so it was extra big blessing to have good friends with good kids, good food and good fireworks to help us celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I obviously have fallen behind in remembering to check your blog so it was fun to catch up today! That was a very fun 4th of July!
