Friday, August 20, 2010

Stormy Weather...

Midland rarely gets calm summer storms, but with all the hurricanes rolling through Texas and Mexico, we actually had several mild days with rain this year. It's hard keeping everyone inside in the summer... especially when we didn't have school or anything else going on to get some energy out! So, Daddy came home from work one evening and told the girls to suit up! Calla was a little scared at first, but Leslie thought it was all sorts of fun...

Their favorite part was getting to go down the slippery slide. Daddy had to hold their hands to make sure they didn't go rocketing off the end...

Poor Calla just didn't understand why we didn't have the pools out, too. She kept walking over to the patio and trying to pull them out...

Leslie decided to be brave and tackel the slide solo a few times. She could stop her feet, just not the rest of her:) She fell out like this every time, but she kept going back for more...

And like all our outside adventures, Calla would simply rather swing...

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