Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Houston visit/plague...

We spent several days of July in Houston with my family. Of course, as soon as we got there, Calla got a horrible horrible horrible stomach bug, which she gave to Barry, and then Leslie got it our last day there. My family also shared it with several other family members. Since I'm not sure if we will ever be invited back, I figured I better post all the cute pictures we got in between sicknesses.

One of the favorite activities is playing with the silicone baking supplies my step-mother has graciously donated to the toy pile. You can nestle them, stack them, drink from them, or wear them as hats...

Leslie loved having so much attention and so many people around to play with her. Uncle Willy even used some vacation days to spend time with us! And she loooooooves her Uncle Willy!

The piano and organ are a magnet to young fingers! My brother, Zac, went to help hold (and supervise) his daughter, and Calla decided to climb right up, too!

It was cute seeing him old both the sweet girls and to see the girls actually playing together some...

Grammy likes to read to her sweet grandbabies...

On Monday, we went to the zoo! Daddy had to stay home with Calla because she had been up with "the sickness" all night and needed some rest. It was really hard for me to have Leslie because my family doesn't always realize that her top speed falls just above lolly gagging. Luckily, Uncle Willy came to the rescue and helped me carry her around quite a bit. She loooooooves her Uncle Willy...

Her and Uncle Willy stopped to take pictures at everything we past...

We visited the elephants at the perfect time and got to see them all getting their daily baths. It was very cute and astonishing to watch this baby elephant. It was running all around and trying to escape through every bar/opening he could find. He tried sticking his head through, then maybe start with a foot, then tried backing through all while running laps around his mom. Made me miss Calla:)

The zoo had a special dinosaur exhibit set up. Leslie wasn't too sure of it at first...

Once we convinced her they were entirely fake and not going to eat her, she warmed up to them...

It was so hot and humid while we were there! And the worst part was that there were scattered storms around most days, so we didn't get to the pool much. We finally made it one afternoon and got to swim for 40mins before they blew the whistle for thunder:( Such is life. We all had fun while it lasted!

On Wednesday, we went to the children's museum. And while it was really good, it was all a bit overwhelming for us from a small town. I discovered later that the crazy crowd was due to a special "make your own ice cream" exhibit that was going on that day (and we didn't even get to see!) At least we know that there is alot to go back for!
We ended up playing in the toddler section the entire time. Leslie likes baby toys best anyways:) Here's a picture of my beautiful niece, Kate, who is just a few weeks older than Calla...

A rare shot of the two girls playing together. Even Binx was having fun!

We ended up staying a extra day because Leslie got sick. It worked out well for the rest of us because we finally found time to crack open the watermelon Dad bought for us!

He didn't realize it was yellow when he bought it, and while it tasted really good, it was a little surreal eating it. I felt like my eyes were trying to trick me. Calla, obviously, had no trouble with the color change...

The allure of the piano is more than they could resist...

EVERY spare moment Leslie had, she would sneak off to the computer and "farm" for Grammy...

Of course we finally take a good family picture with both girls looking and smiling at the camera and it's the morning I decided not to wear make-up! Oh well- beggars can't be choosers...

Sickness aside, we had a really good time in Houston and hope we get invited back soon!

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