Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Calla took some Mom-and-tot "swim" lessons while Leslie did her lessons in the other side of the pool. I quickly discovered that Calla was made for the water! She loves swimming! Every time we pass the building she starts yelling, "Yea! Fimming! Yea! Fimming!" and laughing uncontrollably!

One of the things we work with them on is "turn-arounds." Theoretically, I'm trying to teach her to get back to the side of the pool should she fall in. Calla just thinks I'm swimming her around in a big circle! I can drag her underwater some and she does fine. She holds her breath well and doesn't mind getting all wet!

I thought her natural intuition/buoyancy in the water was amazing. She would put her arms over one of mine, and she naturally knew to layout flat to stay afloat. I could even just put arm floaties on her, and she could keep afloat by herself!

"Zoom to the wall" is always a fun activity. Calla learned to put her arms out and grab onto the wall. Most everything they try and teach at this age is getting back to the wall...

"Hey- put me back down and zoom me some more Mom!"

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