Monday, May 3, 2010

April Extras...

I am scrambling to get caught up on blogs because I know everyone just wants to see cruise pictures, but I couldn't pass by these goodies of my sweet girls...

A recurring theme in Calla's life is her love for big kid toys, especially bikes. So, when I rolled out Leslie's bike for her birthday, Calla just had to have a turn on it as well...

Safety first...

Leslie was alot of help with all the preparation that went into her party. I really think it made her enjoy it more when she knew that she helped with things. Here she is stuffing the pinata with Daddy while Mommy finished up painting Swiper (something that she was disappointed to not be able to help with!)

"You got it- Dude!"

Calla loves to play on the couch with her daddy...

Her hair is really getting long, but still too short and fine to do much with. At least it stays out of her eyes! I still look back at pictures and think she looks like a little mop-headed orphan:)

Leslie really loves her Hulk gloves. We have had a couple of learning opportunities when she has responded to me with the fighting phrases that her Hulk gloves say:) While funny in context, a 4 year old randomly telling an adult, "You're making me angry! You won't like me when I'm angry!" is probably not the best response.

Calla was scared of the gloves the first few days. But, much to Daddy's delight, she finally let him put the glove on her (which engulfed her entire arm) and ran around the house flinging her arm around trying to hit something hard enough to set off the speakers:) Barry was so proud! This is Calla's "You won't like me when I'm angry" look...

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