Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dancing Sorrow...

I'm sure most of you have heard the story of Leslie's dance recital, but I wanted to show you all the before pictures and how excited and beautiful she was leading up to the incident.

Here she is Saturday morning watching TV while Grandmommy rolls her hair...

She played like this all morning. It was really cute to watch those curlers flap around...

She's a big scaredy-cat for a lot of things, especially blow driers or curling irons, so we let her play her Leapster video game while we fixed and curled her hair...

A monkey face from my sweet Cuddle-Up Cub before we left the house while Mommy and Grandmommy tied bows on shoes...

I'm so very glad we stopped to take a picture of us together before we left the house. She was so amazingly beautiful...

She was extremely excited about her performance. As you can see, she was smiling ear to ear all the way there...

And then tragedy struck... We dropped her off, and as she was walking to her seat, she slipped on her tap shoes and fell straight on her bum and elbow. After a long time of holding, and crying, and ice-ing, we finally realized this was more than hurt feelings. So I texted the family who was in the audience watching the show that we needed to pack up and head to the hospital. She wanted to feel better and dance so bad! I was sad for both of us that she was going to miss it.

She's getting so big that she's more comfy on her daddy's lap. He held her almost the entire ER visit...

After a couple hours in the ER, she was sent home with only a sling. Her x-rays didn't show a break, but because of the swelling amount, the orthopedic surgeon thought it was probable that she had a fracture. We gave her the flowers we got for her performance when we got home, and that at least put a smile on her face...

And a final picture of Daddy with his favorite Cuddle-up Cub...
I'm still so upset and disappointed that she didn't get to perform her dance. It's so much bigger than missing a t-ball or soccer game. She's been working toward this one goal since September, and she missed it by 1 hour. Several times she has apologised to us for hurting her elbow and promises that she "won't fall on her tap shoes and hurt her elbow at her next recital at Lee High School." It makes me tear up to explain to her that that experience is lost.
Hopefully, once dance starts back up for the summer, I can at least get her teacher to go through the dance with her so we can see it. I originally thought I would simply have her wear her regular leotard for it, but I think she might like getting all dolled up again and trying to gain some resemblance of what she missed. I guess I'll ask Leslie when the time is closer. Stay tuned for video of her private performance...

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