Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Our final stop was in Cozumel. The water here was absolutely beautiful! I was really looking forward to snorkeling some, but the wind was CRAZY! You could see that the usually turquoise water was tinted brown in places from the strong waves.

For this stop, Barry really wanted to travel over to the mainland and visit the Mayan ruins of Tulum. First, we had to take a ferry boat from the island of Cozumel over to Playa del Carmen where we then had to catch a bus down to Tulum. The ferry ride was miserable with the strong wind and waves... luckily, Barry and I made it with our breakfast intact.

Since the weather was so bad, the ferry had to dock at a different place than it was supposed to, so we had a short walk through the town to get to where our buses were parked. On our walk, we passed by this wall of glass shards. We thought it was a creative and somewhat artistic way of securing your property. Alot easier on the eyes than razor wire!

It was a lot of traveling time, but once we got there, Tulum was really amazing and beautiful.

It was right on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean...

Some of the main buildings were still intact. Mostly, you could just see the steps and foundations of where the houses used to be. Our guide was half Mayan and was very educated on its culture and history. It was very insightful and interesting to hear the Mayan story from his angle.

Can you imagine living in this gorgeous place? Our guide, Cesar, told us all the house frames we could see were only for the very important/rich people. Most of the the inhabitants slept outside. But that didn't seem so bad with the lush green grass under your head and the ocean waves lulling you to sleep.

This is the main reason we came to Tulum, so Barry could act like Indian Jones...

This was a partial wall and the foundations for one of the houses. Unfortunately, you couldn't explore any of the big buildings because idiots in the past had started writing their names on the walls and such. So, that was disappointing.

Barry took this great picture of the main temple where all of the big ceremonies and human sacrifices were held...

We also got to go down to the beach. Like Cozumel, the water and sand was beautiful, but the wind and waves were still pretty extreme. Our guide said it had been like that for the past two weeks! Once we found a rock to hide behind and change, we played in the water for just a bit before we had to go. It was hard work staying afloat in that water (especially for all the girls who kept losing their tops!) Barry loved trying to jump over the waves, or dive under them, or trying to ride them in to the beach. (This is why I don't feel a void in my life by not having a son!)

Tulum was a great place to visit, but like our other excursions, it was too short. The only shopping we got to do in Mexico was at a bathroom stop on the way to Tulum! We didn't even get a chance to try any authentic super hot sauce or buy any little senorita dresses for the girls!

Next time....

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