Saturday, May 29, 2010

Celebration of the Arts...

We try and take advantage of the local events we have here. They're never anything extravagant, but the crowds are always light and the girls have a fun outing. We took the girls to Celebration of the Arts a couple weekends ago. The highlight of every such event is face painting and balloons. Leslie opted for a butterfly this time...

Calla could not figure out what was going on with this big blue-haired zebra painting Sissy's face. She wasn't scared, but she stared at her like this the entire time...

You can understand why...

Leslie was so very happy with her butterfly face. She even got sparkles down the body of it! Always the creme de la creme...

One of our friends had a booth set up teaching about printing, so Leslie got to help turn the wheel and print a pretty little flower picture...

We got a ladybug balloon for Calla. She thought she was so special! She waved it around and tried to hit people with it who stood too close. You know- basic naughty baby stuff...

There was this huge greyhound roaming around trying to raise money for the local greyhound rescue. At the shoulders, it was taller than Calla! And it had black stripes all along it's back. It looked more like a tiger than a dog! But Calla, staying with her personality, had no fear. She walked right up to it and pet it. Then it laid down, and Calla turns around and starts backing it up to sit down with it! No fear. She sat down and the dog curled around her without any problem. The bigger surprise was that Leslie was willing to get some what close to it! Cute girls! Great dog!

Calla's favorite part of the entire day was dancing to the live Blues Band. We put her down and she sprinted off toward the stage stopping occasionally to stomp her feet and bounce her bum...
(Sorry I couldn't get the video to upload. I'm sure Barry will include on the next DVD)

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