Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Welcome Spring...

We are loving all this warm weather! We've been spending alot of time outside, especially since we now have a garden to tend. Before we left, we finally got our garden planted! We have two 5 gallon pots with a squash and zucchini. I can't remember which this is, but I thought it was amazing that you could still seed and how it sprouted out and everything, so I took a picture...

Leslie has been a big help! We fill up her water bottle, and she goes around and sprays every plant every day to make sure they get enough water...

I keep all the pots on the grass because then the sprinklers water them for me, and then, I don't have to rely exclusively on Leslie's green thumb:)

Here is Leslie watering the big garden box. We planted jalapenos, bell peppers, green beans, green onions and spinach in here...

We also have a Topsy Turvy tomato plant...

Calla loves climbing in and out of this chair. She has to work at it to figure out how to not tip over, but when she finally gets in it, she just sits and smiles with pride, hits the arms rests, kicks the legs a little, and then, tries to figure how to get out it without it tipping:) And, repeat...

This was such a nice evening that we decided to have dinner outside. We have never gotten any patio furniture because in the summer, the flies get super bad. But the bugs weren't around, and we still had some tables and chairs in the garage from Leslie's party, so we made some sandwiches and lemonade and had a picnic:)

Everyone had such a fun time. Even Calla did reasonably well at staying seated and eating at the princess table. We look forward to many more of these experiences as the girls grow. Welcome Spring...

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