Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More April Extras...

Leslie had her dance pictures a couple weekends ago. This is her "Cuddle Cub" dance outfit. Her big end-of-the-year recital is next weekend. Check back for pictures of the big day!

Every where I take her, Calla just wants to conquer and climb things. EVERY TIME I pick her up from any childcare they comment on what a climber she is. At least she's usually pretty good at it. I have to take pictures like this next one to help people understand why she always has bruises, bumps, and scabs on her face (although anyone that has watched her, already knows!)

"And after I have conquered climbing over the zebra several times, it is still mildly fun to ride..."

Calla has moved up classrooms in the nursery at church, so most Sundays, she doesn't get to take her morning nap. She conked out as soon as we put her in her car seat. I tried to wake her up when we got home, but she was not having it. So, I just sat down with her and enjoyed it. These amazing moments are so fleeting...

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