Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Blessed Day...

Today (Wednesday) has been a blessed day. The bible study Barry and I are going through has different "Soul Training" exercises for us to do each week. This week's study is on lust, and since so much of our world is overflowing with unGodly sexuality, our challenge this week is to go two full days without media (TV, music, computer.)

Now the girls are not in the bible study and are allowed media. However, I like to think most of the things they watch are not horribly racy, but I know the commercials are not sending a good self-image message. So, unless I needed the TV to babysit while I did something in another room, the TV has stayed off.

The day started off awesome and never stopped. I got up a little after 8 and had a chance to start getting ready and read some before the girls' chaos started. Calla woke up a little after 9 and Leslie slept until 9:30. So, I figured Calla was not going to fit 2 naps in today, and decided that we would try and make it to playgroup. It was a great way to occupy my time and take my mind off of my TV addiction. Playgroup ended up to be a picnic lunch at a park which was lots of fun. Leslie was social, and played well, used her manners and minded great! Calla, like always, was just happy to be outside. She tried climbing up all the ladders that are much too big for her. Then, she decided to try her luck at just going up the slides. She does surprisingly well for a baby! After lunch, a couple of school buses full of elementary students rolled up, so we decided to head out. It was getting hot and both girls were tired anyways.

We came home and had some ice water and read books while we cooled off. Then Calla went to bed. Leslie and I read a couple more books then I let her watch a little TV while I took a little power nap! Then Leslie went off the bed.

Our "media silence" is supposed to include the computer, but my group isn't real legalistic about things, so I decided that checking the weather, reading only personal emails, and working on my own blog while the girls were asleep was okay. I don't think there is anything lustful is those 3 activities. Although, on, the girl in a bikini dancing around the ad for home refinancing does just generally piss me off.

Then when Calla woke up, we had a friend from church and her son stop by for a short while to play and visit!

Then Daddy got to come home early because he had a follow-up on his eye. (Everything looks good and the doctor got all the holes)

Then we played outside some more with Daddy before going to Home Depot and getting garden supplies.

Then, the Brauchi's made a triumphant return to Rosa's! Oh- how I missed you!

Then, we all went to the old K-mart parking lot and had some great snow cones!

We came home, played outside some more, had a snack, took baths, and went to bed.

It has been such a great, busy, productive day. I love getting to have adventures and make memories with my girls. I really loved having them sleep in and getting to start my day at a little slower pace. I loved having the TV off and limiting the computer. I loved actually getting out and doing things and seeing people! Truly a blessed day...

This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

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