Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grammy and Binx visit...

Leslie was so happy that her Grammy and Binx got to come down and visit for a weekend and come to her party! They were a super big help all weekend long, especially party day. And, they decided to fly, so we got to spend alot more time with them then usual. Here's Hulkster Leslie fighting Butterfly Fairy Binx...

Calla really enjoyed all the extra attention and play time. Here she is enjoying a snack while cuddling with her Binx...

It was a gorgeous weekend, so we spent alot of time outside. Here is Calla taking a rare break from the swing to cuddle up in Grammy's lap...

Grammy took this picture of Leslie. It's so relieving that someone actually caught a good picture of her. After two straight years of "bad pictures" I was starting to worry that my love for her was clouding my vision/judgement! As you can see, it wasn't. This is my beautiful Leslie, pretty as ever...

Midland doesn't have alot of fun things to go do like Houston does, but it was nice to just sit around and spend some time being a family together, too. We're planning on making a trip to Houston over the summer, so hopefully, then, we'll be able to go have greater adventures together! Love you Grammy and Binx!

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