Friday, April 16, 2010

Palm Sunday Weekend...

We had such a fun weekend before Easter. We started the day with a birthday party for one of Leslie's friends. Part of the party was outside. While the big kids went on a "treasure hunt," Calla made a bee-line for the trike. She LOVES LOVES LOVES big girl wheels...

After the party, we dashed over to the church's Easter Egg Hunt, or rather, Easter Egg Dash. Basically, they just threw several hundred eggs out on to a field, split the kids up in to age groups, and said, "Go!" Since Calla was the youngest out there, I picked her up and took her ahead of the other kids so she could have a fighting chance at a few. She did pretty well putting things in her "bucket."

Leslie, on the other hand, got caught up in the adrenaline of things and just started sprinting to the other side of the field. Barry had to stop her several times and remind her to pick up eggs. We never figured out her reasoning, but once she did stop to pick up some eggs, she was very selective about which ones made the cut to go in the basket...

Here's Calla with a big cute pink bow in her hair. You can see her clapping. She likes anything as long as you applaud her for it...

That's actually how I finally got Calla off the bottle... EVERY time she took a sip from her cup, I would cheer and clap for her excessively. After a couple days of constant positive reinforcement, she was ready to make the switch!

And here Calla is playing in our friend's Chapel's ball pit...

The girls strolled into Chap's playroom and started trying out every toy they could find, the ball pit being the favorite by far. They played in that ball pit the entire hour! Calla especially would just lay down and roll around in them. Poor Chap hid in the corner behind a big rocking horse most of the play date. I don't think he quite knew what to do with my crazy energetic girls! We finally convinced him that Calla wasn't going to body slam him if he came out of his corner, but this is still about as close he was willing to risk:)

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