Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tamed Hair...

Calla's hair has gotten alot longer, especially in the back where she has pretty curls. The top is a little crazy. It's not quite long enough to pull up, but it sure is fun to laugh at in the mornings. She sleeps with her head up against the bumper pads, so it never fails to impress. Don't worry, she is now completely off the bottle, but this picture best showed her hair in its full glory...

One evening, I turned on a Dora for Calla to watch so she would let me mess with her hair. I managed to get two little pig tails out of the back of it...

I couldn't get her to smile at me... stupid TV... but this was the best picture I got from the front. Her little blondish hair didn't show up against the carpet!

They didn't last for long. The middle fell out of them pretty quick, but it at least gives me hope that she won't be a little mop head forever. In the mean time, she has gotten better about keeping bow clips in. She likes them and thinks she's super cute, but once a few minutes pass and she forgets what exactly is on her head, she pulls it out to look at it... only to turn irate when she can't stick it back in herself. Maybe I should put more mirrors at baby level:)

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