Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Morning...

Easter morning was so much fun this year with two! I think the Easter Bunny did its best job ever of stocking baskets with fun and relevant items for the girls to enjoy...

Calla, being the second child, seems so much more advanced for her age then Leslie was. She totally got hunting for eggs and getting the treats inside. Here she is showing Daddy her mouthful of puffs that the Easter Bunny left in one of her eggs...

Leslie really enjoyed her basket, too. We couldn't really get her to stop and smile for us. This is the best we managed...

"Look Daddy! The Easter Bunny left me a new Little People toy in an egg!"

And like most holidays it seems, Leslie then had to scamper off to do a breathing treatment before starting to get ready for church. She felt fine, but had been coughing all weekend. She did however manage to convince her daddy to let her wear the bunny ears after he put her mask on...

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