Sunday, April 11, 2010

Confetti Egg Hunt...

Last year, Mom went on a mission to create new family "traditions" because she felt like something was missing in all her holiday bustle. One of the new "traditions" was a confetti egg hunt followed by a confetti egg annihilation. And to our surprise, it was actually alot of fun. So we decided we would appease Mom and continue the "tradition." Here is Leslie with her basket ready for the big hunt...

The boys are strong enough to throw the eggs hard enough to break them, so Will and Ben spent most their energy trying to peg each other in the head and leaving big whelps, bruises, and scrapes as trophies. Ben's so focused on Will that he doesn't even see he's about to get one right in the keester from Leslie...

Here's Jordan running away in fear of me...

Actually, he's running because he just pelted me with one!

Calla, like always, just wants to swing...

Leslie didn't mind getting eggs broken on her. She thought all the confetti in her hair was funny....

We had a stray egg left over, so we decided to initiate Calla into the "tradition..."

She was less than amused. "Why am I not swinging!?!?!"

My pretty girls....

Good times with the fam. Good "tradition." I think we'll keep this one around for next year!

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