Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Pictures...

We got ready Sunday morning and ran out the door to church. Between Easter baskets and having to take breakfast for Sunday School, we didn't have a second to do any pre-church photos. I learned my lesson... The nursery was so crowded with little babies, there wasn't a bed for Calla to take a nap in, so she fell asleep the second we put her in the car. We woke her up when we got to Mom's so we could take a couple quick pictures together before we all changed. Here's Leslie in her pretty Easter dress I got on clearance after last Easter...

I got Calla's dress last season, too. It "coordinates" with the big girl one. This is the best picture I got with them...

Beggars can't be choosers. Once again, this is the best picture we managed...

And my beautiful girls together...

The weather was beautiful, so I'm really upset we didn't get any outside with them. Two-a-day naps are so limiting! Hopefully I learned my lesson, and we will make time for pictures before church next year and just be a little late...

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