Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Around the Pond...

Our friend, Ethan, called and invited the girls to the duck pond. It was one of the the first nice days we had, so of course, the ducks were well fed. We couldn't even get the fish or turtles to eat our bread! We still strolled around the lake and enjoyed the weather and time together with friends. I know this picture doesn't show it, but the kids really did have a great time...

We weren't prepared for a memory to happen with the camera ready. This picture was really cute right before Calla pulled her hand away. Calla actually did let Leslie hold her hand for a while, and we all walked together. Melted my heart...

Calla really enjoyed getting out of the stroller, but did not especially enjoy having to hold my hand and/or stay on the sidewalk...

Much to her enjoyment, we got to walk closer to the water (notice the vice grip I have on her hand)...

Cute Leslie...

Leslie, too, liked playing especially close to the waterline which is a pretty deep drop off. So, I held her hand tight and let her walk on the wild side some, too...

Fun time with friends and family. Hopefully, we have many more of these to come...

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for this post! That was a fun night! Ethan loves being with the girls and I hope we get to do that a lot more this summer!
