Friday, January 8, 2010

Other Pictures...

This is our friend's baby who is 5 weeks younger than Calla. Barry watched him for a while one afternoon while I was in Galveston. I was shocked he left that little Santa hat on the entire time. I thought if nothing else, Calla would rip it off his head. I can just hear her... "Seriously dude, that's embarrassing. Let me do you a favor and take this thing off your head. Don't worry... my mom tries to do the same with bows."

Calla's new favorite game is "Night-Night." She'll lay her head on just about anything to play. In this case, a vat of baby wipes was her choice...

She did really well standing while I was gone. And even made some progress walking. She took 3 steps on several occasions. I got her up to 8 after I got home, but I told her we weren't counting it until she got to 10...

This is Calla with Evin (my friend Julie's baby.) I don't know why Calla was mean mugging in all the pictures. Evin was super happy and easy going the entire time they played...

Here are the babies playing with some pretty ponies to keep them from crawling off while we tried to get Leslie to smile at the camera. Once again, she failed...

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