Friday, January 8, 2010

Children's Museum...

I took a trip to Galveston the weekend before Christmas to see my cousin, Alison, graduate PA school, and left both the girls with Barry overnight. He chose outfits and fixed hair, and survived it all. He's a good daddy and did all sorts of fun things with them... like going to the Children's Museum...

They had a special huge train exhibit with buttons kids could push, so Leslie spent alot of time staring at the majesty of toy trains...

Then she went "shopping" in the grocery store...

Most of their time was spent in the special infant room. Leslie loves her baby toys...

Barry said Calla just kept climbing up and down these steps, but she never figured out how to sit without falling off. Looks like he caught this picture before she went tumbling...

Calla in search of her white whale...

Barry has gotten so so so extremely mad at me through the years for making him pose with weird statues or animals on our trips. And then look what I found on the camera... him doing the same with the girls!

"Good job on the turtle. Come on, now stand with the bear..."

It was a good day. I felt a little guilty when I talked to him on the phone that evening that I rarely get both girls out like that, but then I asked him what they were having for dinner... no idea. I think it ended being toast and syrup:) Fun times...

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