Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Morning...

We had such a great Christmas morning! It was a huge blessing that our families let us do Christmas morning on own this year. We opened a present, then played, then opened another present, then ate, then opened another... It was super easy and laid back, and Barry and I just let the girls have fun on their terms... at their pace. Here is the living room after Santa came...

We mostly took video and just enjoyed the morning. Here are a few pics we did capture though...
Calla woke up the best mood! She was all smiles for the camera...

Even Belle got a stocking filled with new squeaker toys for her to destroy....

I was surprised by Calla's favorite thing of the morning... I knew she wouldn't really care about the presents, but I was surprised she didn't care about the paper either. All she wanted to do was climb on the biggest box and pose...

And after all that fun, what better way to enjoy Christmas morning than with a big bottle of milk...

And the aftermath...

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