Sunday, January 24, 2010

Binx and Grammy visit...

I think this was pretty much the highlight of Binx and Grammy's visit. Both girls were sick, and the weather so stinky, so sometimes, you just have to make your own fun! We got out Leslie's train set and made some pretty awesome tracks through the table and under the bridge...

We even got out some extra toys and made a zoo stop and dinosaur exhibit...

This dino, ankylosaurus, stomps around and makes chewing sounds if you put something in his mouth. It was ALOT of fun to have it terrorize the train! And, here is the ferocious Baby Calla destroying everything in her path, too...

So, I got her shopping cart and sent her into the other room. She loves walking behind it, but doesn't know how to turn it around yet, so it was a pretty effective tool to get her into another play area...

"Oh no! The ankylosaurus escaped! And it's eating Puppy!"

"Crunch... crunch... munch..."

We bought this purple box to hold all the train pieces... turns out it makes a good fort too...

We took Calla out, but Leslie still wanted to play. I promise... she wanted us to shut the lid on her...

Crazy girl...

1 comment:

  1. Josh and I laughed at the video of y'all playing with the train and the dinosaur eating the puppy. :) Being a parent gives you a great excuse to play with toys again! We've had our share of fun with Geotrax!
