Monday, January 11, 2010

First Fundraiser...

Here is Leslie's first fundraiser letter...

For those who don't have microscopic vision, this is what her letter says...

"Dear Sponsor,

I will be participating in the Peace, Love and Wheels Ride a thon on Sunday, January 24, 2010 to help raise money for a new playground at The First United Methodist Church.

The Ride a thon will be conducted in our parking lot, and I will have 30 minutes to complete as many laps as I am able up to 30 laps. Please check one of the blanks below to indicate your PER LAP pledge.

(amounts to check)

____ I would prefer to make a one time donation in the amount of $_____

The Church will notify you how far I rode and he total amount of your pledge.
Thank you again for helping us build a new playground!

Your Friend,
Leslie Brauchi"

They've been raising money for this playground all fall and Leslie is really excited about it. One of the events they had was the kids all took home little banks to collect change. Leslie came home and decided to empty out most of her piggy bank to give to the church. If you are interested in sponsoring her for her bike a thon, please let me know and I'll make sure and tell Leslie and we'll fill out the form and turn it in Sunday. Thank you in advance for any contribution!

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